A Word From The Garden - Araluen Botanic Park

A Word From The Garden

There is a well-known cautionary phrase about being careful what you wish for. In the last Roleystone Courier, we hoped for rain and then we got it, in almost record amounts. Perhaps we should wish for a few fine days now. The dams are full and the creeks flowing and in the park the waterfalls have never looked so impressive. Of course, the plants are loving it too, despite having to arm themselves against the onslaught of fungal attacks that constant wet weather favours. Meanwhile our team has had to cope with the adverse conditions to ensure that this year’s tulip displays, and spring shows will be as good as ever.

Gardeners have been busy pruning the roses, nurturing the magnolias, who’s swelling flower buds show great promise, planting flower beds and of course spring cleaning though not disturbing the floral carpets surrounding the hundreds of camellias.

Araluen is showing it’s age – and that’s a good thing. It has been a botanical park for over 30 years now and the little saplings that we planted way back then are now mature masterpieces of nature’s art considerably adding to the existing plantings that date back even further If you haven’t visited us for a while, you might be surprised by how well we have grown on your next visit.

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