Roses Blooming - Araluen Botanic Park

Roses Blooming

As the seasons change, the roses emerge creating a fabulous display of the world’s classiest flower. There is a huge variety across Araluen Botanic Park. Complemented by our natural Australian bushland setting, amongst native vegetation of jarrah, marri and grass trees, the rose display within the Park is one of the most unique in the nation. Our rose plantings date back over a decade, with roses now well established, and coming into full and spectacular bloom in late October, early November. Our rose garden is appreciated for its world-class Tea Rose collection, and large Alister Clark roses, as well as the many spring-flowering varieties.

Upcoming Events

Araluen Botanic Park’s stunning bushland landscape sets a memorable scene for so many events during the year. With a stunning natural backdrop, and cultivated garden spaces the Park hosts music concerts, treasure hunts, civic events, garden festivals and live art exhibitions. We are a popular picturesque location for weddings and live theatre productions. Below you will find some of the upcoming events and activities being hosted across the Park for you and your family to enjoy. Be sure to check in for the seasonal school holiday activities which always book out quickly.