Roses - Araluen Botanic Park


Heritage Rose Collection

Araluen boasts one of the world’s finest collections of Tea Roses. Over 3,000 rose bushes delight both the eye and the nose from mid-October to May. These months are best time to stop and smell the fragrant blooms as the Park is filled with scent and colourful rose delights throughout the warmer months

There is a huge variety of roses at Araluen. In the 1920s the famous Australian rosarian, Alister Clark, began breeding roses which would flower year-round in our warm climate. The Araluen Rose Garden has examples of Tea roses, many of which flower all year, Gallica roses of French origin, Damasks, Albas and modern shrub roses.

Araluens roses are planted in a way that complements the Australian bushland setting, amongst native vegetation of jarrah, marri and grass trees, rather than as a formal rose garden. This is one of the reasons it is so unique.

Many roses were planted in 2000. These roses are now well established and provide a spectacular display, especially in late October and early November. The Araluen Rose garden is recognised for its world-class Tea Rose collection, including it’s large collection of Alister Clark roses and the many spring flowering varieties.
In the 1930’s, climbing roses were planted on the Margaret Simons Memorial Pergola and beds of then popular modern roses were established nearby. In the 1990’s these rose gardens were refurbished and new rose gardens were established.

Now, roses are found throughout the Park. Near the ‘Grove of the Unforgotten’, there is a bed of the original 1930’s roses complemented with beds of Iceberg, Gruss an Aachen and Rugosas.
Near the Roundhouse, the Felicias and Seafoam roses look spectacular. By the Chalet Healy cafe, a bed of David Austin Roses, together with many famous old heritage roses, are at their best in Spring. The bright yellow of ‘R.foetida’, an older species of rose, stands out. Kazanlik, a rose famous in the perfume industry, are here as well. The Moss roses, with their unusual and fragrant sepals, provide added interest.

The top rose garden contains the greatest variety. Here, there is space to allow the plants to grow to their full potential and some have become huge flowering shrubs.