Remembrance Day Service - Araluen Botanic Park

Remembrance Day Service

On the 11th of November, we hosted a moving memorial service to commemorate our fallen soldiers. The place of the service, the Grove of the Unforgotten, serves as an importance place for reflection in our Park, as it was established in 1930’s and dedicated to the memory of 89 members of the Young Australia League who paid the ultimate sacrifice during World War 1.

This year, we welcomed Mr Joe Librizzi, Veteran, who shared his memories with us and students from the Armadale Senior High School who shared some insightful literature. To our delight, also the Roleystone Community College Vocal Trio and the Victoria Park Brass Band performed during the service. Students from 9 nearby schools attended the service and laid down their wreaths.

Thank you to all the veterans, students, and general public who attended the service.

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